SBEC Result Verification System

The SBEC International School Result Verification System allows universities, colleges, business organizations, and other related institutions to check and verify authentic SBEC-issued results online, instantly. This is only for the SBEC High Schools (both Arabic & French sections).

To verify, you will need the student's ID, verifiable code, and a verification code. The student's ID and the verifiable code can be found on the student's report card. The verification code will be provided by the student separately and is not visible on the student's report card. SBEC will provide the student with a verification code upon request. Each report card is assigned a unique verification code, and this code is specific to an individual student. Click here for guide on how to get the codes.

If the submitted report card does not have a student ID and verifiable code or has an invalid ID and/or verifiable code, please report it to us at Include the invalid report card as an attachment.

Please note that once a verification code has been used to check results, it cannot be reused; it is for one-time use only.